When you have invested in a food transport company, particularly for sending the containers to the retailers or directly to your consumers, you will be expecting the product to be fresh and safe for health. For this reason, companies in Brisbane and Sunshine Coast that are offering refrigerated transport follow hygiene guidelines provided by the local law enforcement authorities and the companies while managing the package(s).
If you are interested in learning about the guidelines that these companies follow regarding hygiene, go through the rest of the discussion.
Transport Vehicle Sanitisation
This is the first step of hygiene maintenance that the refrigerated food transport companies in Brisbane follow.
Before loading the containers or packages, they will need to use the recommended sanitisers to disinfect the transport vehicle. That way, the chances of contamination can be greatly reduced and food can be kept safe. So, the employees of the companies will need to follow this point.
Assessing Packaging
The companies providing refrigerated food transport will assess the packaging of the container as part of the hygiene maintenance plan.
If the container is leaking or not properly packed, they will take the necessary measures so that the food inside does not get damaged.
The employees from the companies performing the assessment will notify you and will pack them properly as per your request.
Keep the Containers Away From Pests
Considering the fact that the food will be stored in the warehouse of the company offering refrigerated transport in Sunshine Coast besides Brisbane, to maintain hygiene, the professionals will keep the containers protected from pests.
Insect infestations are a problem that is faced by every warehouse owner or administrator. Nevertheless, to retain the quality and freshness of the food they perform a deep cleaning of warehouses and apply several treatments to keep the containers free of pests.
Keep the Containers Away From Smoke, Dust and Moisture
Professionals make sure that containers comprising frozen food are well-protected against smoke, dust and moisture. This is a hygiene protocol that they will follow to prevent contamination of food during transport and even when they are stored in the warehouse. So, the storage place and the transport truck, both need to be dust and dirt free.
Protect the Containers from Bodily Fluids
The Brisbane frozen food transport companies besides Sunshine Coast protect the containers against bodily fluids as part of the hygiene maintenance protocol.
To do so, the employees follow the mandate that requires them to wear safety equipment that seals bodily fluids like sweat, saliva, droplets from sneezes etc. to remain inside. Thus this is indeed an effective measure to keep food safe.
Transport Management by Healthy Professionals
A lot of viruses and bacteria spread through frozen containers. We have seen an example of this from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Several countries have reported the presence of the virus in cold containers. For this reason, the Sunshine Coast transport frozen food companies apart from Brisbane only let healthy individuals manage the containers.
Book Our Refrigerated Transport Today
To book our refrigerated transport service from JD Refrigerated Transport, call us now or fill in the enquiry form if you have questions regarding the service by clicking the ‘Enquire Now’ button.